Australian Building Services Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd
The team at Australian Building Services Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd are highly regarded by our clients, specialised, and experienced with over 100+ years working in the insurance industry.
Based in Bankstown, New South Wales, we currently service and advise over 900 builders of all sizes and needs, ranging from builders and developers with turnover exceeding $100m, to smaller companies or sole traders undertaking small renovation jobs, and anything between.
We assist builders through the complicated process of obtaining eligibility for Builders Warranty insurance*, and thereafter support and advise our builders in applying for project-specific Builders Warranty insurance.
We complement our Builders Warranty service, by advising our clients on their General requirements for their business insurance and personal insurance requirements.
*Builders Warranty Services are offered via our Licencee – Savill Hicks Corp Pty Ltd (AFSL 240867, ABN 96 009 392 125)